DynamoDB Config Store documentation


Store your configuration in DynamoDB using DynamoDB Config Store.

Using this Python class you’ll be able to easily manage application configuration directly in DynamoDB. It works almost like any configuration file, except that an option can have multiple values (it’s NoSQL, right :)). For example your configuration could look like this:

_store      | _option        | host           | port           | secret-key
prod        | db             | db-cluster.com | 27017          |
prod        | external-port  |                | 80             |
prod        | secret-key     |                |                | abcd1234
test        | db             | localhost      | 27017          |
test        | external-port  |                | 4000           |
prod        | secret-key     |                |                | test1234

You can then retrieve configuration like this:

store = DynamoDBConfigStore(
    connection,                 # dynamodb2 connection from boto
    'config',                   # DynamoDB table name
    'prod')                     # Store name

# Get the 'db' option and all it's values
store.get('db') # Returns {'host': 'db-cluster.com', 'port', Decimal(27017)}

In our lingo a Store is roughly equivivalent to a configuration file. And an Option is an key in the Store which holds zero or more Keys.